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A beautiful interview for the international women day!!💙💙💙💙

Updated: May 3

Hello Everyone,

This international day of women’s rights led me to think about a woman who inspires me 🤔. After big thinking, I realized that it’s my daughter💖: I want a better world for her in the future with respect of her difference.

And when I see this article about an aspergirl, it hit me: I have to share it with you!!

The link of this article :

It explains very well the problem of all aspergirls: They are diagnosed too late because in al studies the specialists explain that it’s a « boy particularity » and because the asperger women can adapt their behiavor at the norms of the neurotypical society better than the men! In this interview, Laura explained it very well!

With this article, I realize that we are so lucky (my daughter too🤩🤩) that my Princess was diagnosed so early in her life ( at 7!!!!). For the future, it’s important, and better for her because she will grow, will pass differents stages of the life, knowing that she is an aspergirl, with her particularities.💙

Laura explained that it was a big revelation for her to be diagnosed: it was the same in our family!!! My husband felt exactly the same: «I know who I am, why I react like this… ». He understood a lot of things of his past, and for my daughter, we understood a lot of things too…it was a big relief!!!💖💙💖💙

I wish for the future that more women will be diagnosed earlier for having a Life more near that their particularities, more in harmony with themselves!!!

Don’t hesitate to share with me interesting articles, articles what change your feeling, your Life!!!

1…2…3…Let’s Share!!!!😊😊😊😊

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